Friday, November 27, 2009

wat weird feeling?

I dun knw how 2 describe my feeling now..izzit sad? dissapointed? hmmm? i really can't figure it out~but definitely not happy..did i do wrong? i just sort of busy body..hmm..well, i'm just worried tats o..nth i really dun knw how 2 face my feelings now..up and down..really is suffering..
I dun knw wat to say....well..i just hope tat she able to get free from him...hmm? and i able to get my dear fren back again...i feel so stiff now? i dun know wat gone wrong in me since the call..well i know tat she dun mean it but first time having people saying "u're bitch" is really kinda hurt cz she is the first 1 who say...well, i know she is forced to say but y my heart just dun feel the steadiness? i mean...i know i say that i dun really care but somehow something deceiving me..something telling me something tat is not true..i know myself...i feel like crying now~..but i just have to just hold it on..just dun wan to let him think that i'm a loser!..i'm not!...i just want my fren back!! i just wan her back..tat's all..
i know frienship is suppose to b the strongers..nothing will tear frienship apart no matter wat happen..friendship is suppose to b important and not easily look down from other peoples thinking...GOD!! me~...


  1. erk, somehow... its hard for me to understand what you really mean...
    anyway, hope u will be stronger~
    dun worry too much
    u will absolutely get ur fren back ^_^

  2. Jinn, take heart, the Lord is with you!! And so are we, your friends!!

  3. and so are we, your cousies!! jinn jiejie, trust the Lord! He will do greater things that you have never imagined! take care der...

  4. wow~~i'm so deeply touch..thx a lot friends and my lil cousie..i feel better now..thank God!!...
